During the internal debate about a new constitution after the 1864-war he was appointed prime minister in 1865 inaugurating the rule of the conservative party Højre that lasted until 1901 His cabinet was expected to widen the influence also of the farmers disappointed by the issuing of the conservative 1866-constitution but was besides marked by a beginning reclaiming of the moors and by railroad-founding.
The present comital family number the noble families Ahlefeldt, Frijs-Frijsenborg, Kaas, Trolle, Thott, Ulfstand, Ulfeldt, Huitfeldt, Sehested, Gyldenstierne, Rosenkrantz, Rantzau, Reventlow, Brahe, Ruud, Grubbe, Gabel, Krag to Juellund, and Krag-Juel-Vind-Frijs among their ancestress-linked relatives.