
unusual facts about Thott

Tage Reedtz-Thott

Baron Kjeld Thor Tage Otto Reedtz-Thott (13 March 1839 – 27 November 1923) was a Danish politician, member of the Højre political party.


Thott | Otto Thott |


The present comital family number the noble families Ahlefeldt, Frijs-Frijsenborg, Kaas, Trolle, Thott, Ulfstand, Ulfeldt, Huitfeldt, Sehested, Gyldenstierne, Rosenkrantz, Rantzau, Reventlow, Brahe, Ruud, Grubbe, Gabel, Krag to Juellund, and Krag-Juel-Vind-Frijs among their ancestress-linked relatives.

Herluf Trolle

He was born into the Trolle, a Swedish-originated family of high nobility, was son of Kirsten Herlufsdatter Skave and sir Joachim Arvidsen Trolle, Lord of Lilloe; thus grandson of justiciar Arvid Trolle, Lord of Bergkvara, and the latter's second wife Beate Iversdatter of the Thott, heiress of Lilloe and daughter of lord Iver Axelsen of the Thott, fiefholder of the island of Gulland.

Jacob van Utrecht

Annunciation altar with portraits of donating Lübeck merchant Hermann Plönnies and his wife, formerly in the Reedtz-Thott Collection at Gavnø Castle on the isle of Gavnø near Næstved on southern Zealand, since 2012 in the St. Annen Museum in Lübeck

Marsvinsholm Castle

Through succession and sales the castle has belonged to the families Thott, von Königsmarck, de la Gardie, Sjöblad, Ruuth, Piper, Tornerhielm and Wachtmeister.

Prince Vincent of Denmark

His godparents are his maternal uncle, John Stuart Donaldson, the Prince of Asturias, the Hereditary Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Count Michael Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille, Baroness Helle Reedtz-Thott and Caroline Heering.

see also