
2 unusual facts about Fritz Anneke

Fritz Anneke

Like the family of Martin Luther, whose birthplace, Eisleben, is only a few kilometers away from Schadeleben, many of Anneke's ancestors had worked in mining, which is why the family moved to Dortmund in the early 19th century, when industrial coal mining was beginning in the Ruhr district.

The Anneke family (usually spelled "Annecke"; Fritz changed the spelling of his name while still in Germany) originates from a small village called Schadeleben close to Quedlinburg in what is today Saxony-Anhalt.

34th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment

Fritz Anneke (Forty-Eighter of German Origin, Prussian Artillery officer and commanding officer of Carl Schurz during the 1849 campaign in Palatinate and Baden, husband of Mathilde Franziska Anneke)

see also