Fritz Georg Arndt was a German chemist recognised for his contributions to synthetic methodology, who together with Bernd Eistert disoverered the Arndt-Eistert synthesis.
Arndt's son Heinz Wolfgang Arndt (1915–2002) was a noted Australian economist based in Canberra while his granddaughter Bettina (1949- ) is a noted Australian journalist, clinical psychologist and sex therapist.
Fritz Lang | Fritz Leiber | Fritz Kreisler | Fritz Weaver | Fritz Reiner | Fritz Haber | Robert Fritz | Robert C. Fritz | Fritz Gesztesy | Fritz Dreisbach | Chris Fritz | L'amico Fritz | Fritz London | Fritz Laves | Fritz Kranefuss | Fritz Grünbaum | Ernst Moritz Arndt | Dennis Fritz | Fritz von Opel | Fritz | Fritz Wunderlich | Fritz Walter | Fritz Vahrenholt | Fritz Todt | Fritz Thyssen | Fritz the Cat (film) | Fritz Stern | Fritz Reuter | Fritz Odemar | Fritz Lenz |