
unusual facts about Fronto


Fronto of Emesa

Fronto of Emesa is a famous rhetorician and uncle on Cassius Longinus.


Definite references do not occur before the 2nd century (Fronto, Ep. ad ~k~. Caes. i. 3; Aulus Gellius, Noct. Att. i~. 24, Xii. 10, XjX. 9 Apuleius, De magic, 30; Porphyrion, Ad Horat. carm. iii. 1, 2).

Marcus Cornelius Fronto

It was not until 1956 that Bernhard Bischoff identified a third manuscript (consisting of a single leaf) that contained fragments of Fronto's correspondence with Verus, which overlapped the Milan palimpsest; however, the actual manuscript had been first published in 1750 by Dom Tassin, who conjectured that it might have been the work of Fronto.

NG Life

Keidai Saeki is a high school student with memories of his past life as Sirix Lucretius Fronto, a gladiator in Pompeii who lost his wife Serena in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

see also