
2 unusual facts about Fungus gnat

Fungus gnat

Introducing Hypoaspis miles mites or applying the biological larvicide Bacillus thuringiensis (subspecies israelensis) to kill the gnats in their larval stage; the larvacide must be applied weekly as a soil drench for 4–5 weeks.

Gardiner's Seychelles frog

Gardiner's frog is a terrestrial frog, feeding on small invertebrates including mites, sciarid larvae, ants, and amphipods.

see also

Newnes glow worm tunnel

The Newnes glow worm tunnel is a disused railway tunnel in the Wolgan Valley, New South Wales, Australia, that is famous for its resident glow worms, the bioluminescent larvae of Arachnocampa richardsae, a type of fungus gnat.