fungus | Fungus | Carex | Fungus Amongus | William Aiken House and Associated Railroad Structures | rust (fungus) | Oracle Forms | Cryptococcus (fungus) | Carex sylvatica | Carex nigra | Wood-decay fungus | Sedge Warbler | Lyngbye's sedge | List of tallest structures in the United States | List of Berkeley Landmarks, Structures of Merit, and Historic Districts | Green peach aphid that has been killed by the fungus ''Pandora neoaphidis | Forms of address in the United Kingdom | Cloud ear fungus | Cincinnati Zoo Historic Structures | Carex lyngbyei | Carex leporina | Carex geyeri | Carex flacca | Carex echinata | 38th parallel structures | Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention | "u-forms" | The fungus forms ectomycorrhiza-like structures with the sedge ''Carex flacca | Spain's tallest structures | Smut (fungus) |
Cortinarius cinnamomeus colonizes the root systems of the sedges Carex flacca and Carex pilulifera, forming ectomycorrhizal-like structures lacking a Hartig net—a network of hyphae that penetrate between the epidermal and cortical cells of the root.
The larvae overwinter and feed on various grasses, including glaucous sedge and cock's-foot.