The brothers made a fortune "first from wartime speculation and blockade running, and then from exploiting telegraph and cotton futures".
One of the earliest written records of futures trading is in Aristotle's Politics.
The London Metal Market and Exchange Company (London Metal Exchange) was founded in 1877, but the market traces its origins back to 1571 and the opening of the Royal Exchange, London.
The Chicago Produce Exchange was established in 1874, renamed the Chicago Butter and Egg Board in 1898 and then reorganised into the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) in 1919.
New York Stock Exchange | London Stock Exchange | German Academic Exchange Service | Microsoft Exchange Server | American Stock Exchange | U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission | Foreign exchange market | Toronto Stock Exchange | Royal Exchange | Australian Securities Exchange | American Legislative Exchange Council | Tokyo Stock Exchange | Microsoft Exchange | London Metal Exchange | Singapore Exchange | Royal Exchange, Manchester | Royal Exchange, London | Luxembourg Stock Exchange | Commodity Futures Trading Commission | Chicago Mercantile Exchange | Bombay Stock Exchange | Army and Air Force Exchange Service | Zimbabwe Stock Exchange | Telephone exchange | telephone exchange | Stock Exchange | Public Radio Exchange | Philippine Stock Exchange | New York Mercantile Exchange | Futures contract |
London Metal Exchange, the futures exchange with the world's largest market in options and futures contracts on base and other metals
Tokyo Financial Exchange (TFX), a futures exchange for trading futures contracts