
2 unusual facts about Fuzhou, Jiangxi

Yang Pu

) Xu, realizing Yang's complaint, bowed and offered to put Zhai to death, but Yang stated that that was unnecessary but that an exile would be sufficient, so Xu exiled Zhai to Fu Prefecture (撫州, in modern Fuzhou, Jiangxi).

Zhong Kuangshi

The first historical reference to Zhong Kuangshi was in 901, when Zhong Chuan attacked Wei Quanfeng the prefect of Fu Prefecture (撫州, in modern Fuzhou, Jiangxi) and put Fu Prefecture under siege.

2010 in China

May 23 – 2010 Jiangxi train derailment: A train traveling from Shanghai to Guilin derails in a mountainous area near Fuzhou, Jiangxi, China, and is destroyed, killing at least 19 and injuring 71 others.

Bắc Lệ ambush

The mood in France was against compromise, and although negotiations continued throughout July, Admiral Amédée Courbet was ordered to take his Far East Squadron to Fuzhou (Foochow).

Battle of Yamen

In 1278 Wen Tianxiang, who had fought against the Yuan in Guangdong and Jiangxi, was captured by Wang Weiyi in Haifeng County, eliminating all the Song land forces nearby.

Campaign to Suppress Bandits in Central and Southern China

Communists mobilized 63 divisions totaling over 41,000 troops and an additional 60,000 militia in the Central and Southern China Military Region to fight the local bandits in the regions including western Henan, western Hubei, southern Jiangxi, northeastern Jiangxi, western Hunan, southern Hunan, western Guangdong, northern Guangdong, Pearl River Delta, western Guangxi, southeastern Guangxi and the border region between Hubei, Anhui and Henan.

Chen Youliang

In 1357, Chen proclaimed himself "King of Han" in Jiangzhou (江州; present-day Jiujiang, Jiangxi), and emperor the next year after Xu Shouhui died.

Dudley L. Poston, Jr.

While at Texas A&M Poston also serves as Guest Professor of Demography at the People's University in Beijing, China; Guest Professor of Cultural Studies and Sociology at Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China; and Adjunct Professor of Demography, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China.

Empress Quan Huijie

In 260, Sun Liang's elder half-brother and successor, Sun Xiu (who eliminated Sun Chen after ascending the throne in 258) further demoted Sun Liang to "Marquis of Houguan" and sent Sun Liang to his marquisate in Houguan County (侯官縣; around present-day Fuzhou, Fujian).

Encirclement Campaign against Hunan–Jiangxi Soviet

The communist Southeastern Huan Independent Division guarding the Hunan-Jiangxi Soviet deployed its 1st Regiment and the 2nd Regiment to strike Pingxiang, Jiangxi and Yichun, Jiangxi, and its 3rd Regiment was ordered to southeastern Hunan to join up with the Chinese Red Army 7th Army from Guangxi, which by then had reached the border region of Guangdong and Hunan provinces.

Fang Zhimin

Born in a poor peasant household in Yixian, Jiangxi Province, he joined the CPC in 1924 and assisted in setting up a provincial Party organization.

Fengting Railway Station

Fuzhou South Railway Station is a railway station located in Fujian Province, People's Republic of China, on the Fuxia Railway which operated by Shanghai Railway Bureau, Ministry of Railways of the PRC.

Foster Stockwell

He is the son of Francis Olin and Esther Stockwell, two Methodist missionaries who went to Fuzhou, Fujian, in 1929 then to Chengdu, Sichuan, in 1939.

Fujian Tulou

Since the opening of the high-speed Longyan–Xiamen Railway (June 2012), travelers are able to reach Longyan from Xiamen in 45 minutes; there is direct service from Fuzhou and Shanghai as well.


The garden also has gates on the four cardinal directions, a number of six-sided pavilions, sculptures, bells, several inscriptions painted large on wood and stone, and in one building, a small exhibit of Chinese paintings and of a model of the style of ship that would have journeyed to Fuzhou during the time of the Ryūkyū Kingdom to bring tribute and to engage in trade.


This city nowadays grows as an industrial area, supported by a good infrastructure of Fuzhou–Quanzhou Highway, Fuzhou–Xiamen Railway (Fuqing Railway Station), and a port (Fuqing Port, 福清港) on the Taiwan Strait.

Fuzhou dialect

Most of the characters of Fuzhou dialect stem from Ancient Chinese and can therefore be written in Chinese characters.

History of Jiangxi

Centred on the Gan River valley, Jiangxi provides the main north-south transport route.


Jiangxi province, known as Jiangzhou (江州) during the Western Jin (CE 291)

Johann Lesinski

Johann Lesinski (1904--63) was the first and -to date- only bishop of Tingzhou, in the Ecclesiastical province of Fuzhou.

Kinmen Daily News

Its predecessor was Chunghwa Cheng Chi Pao (中華正氣報, Zhōnghuá-zhèngqìbào) from Nancheng, Jiangxi, which retreated to Quemoy following the Chinese civil war.

Ma Xifan

The officers, headed by Yuan Quan (袁詮) and Pan Yue (潘約), welcomed Ma Xifan, who then carried the title of military governor of Zhennan Circuit (鎮南, headquartered in modern Nanchang, Jiangxi — an honorary title as at that time, Zhennan was a Wu possession) and who was the defender of Lang Prefecture (朗州, in modern Changde, Hunan), to Changsha.

Middle Gan

The last time of large-scale settlement in Jiangxi by people from Zhongyuan took place due to the An Shi Rebellion and Gan language also became stabilized since the period.

MP4 player

Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics's video processing Rockchip has been incorporated into many MP4 players, supporting AVI with no B frames in MPEG-4 Part 2 (not Part 14), while MP2 audio compression is used.

Nanchang Uprising

From this humble beginning the force eventually grew to a force 10,000 strong, traveling to Jiangxi and joining Mao Zedong at Jinggangshan in April 1928.

Nanjing Military Region

Its jurisdiction covers all military and armed police located in Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, and Shanghai.

New Orleans Mardi Gras

David Redmon's 2005 film of cultural and economic globalization, Mardi Gras: Made in China, follows the production and distribution of beads from a small factory in Fuzhou, China to the streets of New Orleans during Carnival.

Old Gan

500,000 soldiers then settled down at Yugan, Nankang and 3 other places, which formed the initial Chinese population in Jiangxi.

Paul Claudel

He was French consul in China (1895–1909), including consul in Shanghai (June 1895), and vice-consul in Fuzhou (October 1900), consul in Tianjin (Tientsin) (1906–1909), in Prague (December 1909), Frankfurt am Main (October 1911), Hamburg (October 1913), ministre plénipotentiaire in Rio de Janeiro (1916), Copenhagen (1920), ambassador in Tokyo (1922–1928), Washington, D.C. (1928–1933) and Brussels (1933–1936).

Pingtan Island

A plan for an 88.5-km-long railway from Fuzhou to Pingtan Island, via Changle and a series of bridges, have been approved in November 2012.

Pure Land Buddhism

The Pure Land teachings first became prominent in China with the founding of Donglin Temple at Mount Lu (Ch. 廬山) by Huiyuan (Ch. 慧遠) in 402 CE.


After being forced out of Jinggangshan in the late 1920s by the Kuomindang, the Communists fled here, taking advantage of Ruijin's relative isolation in the rugged mountains along Jiangxi's border with Fujian.

Ryukyuan lacquerware

For roughly five hundred years, from 1372 until the mid-19th century, a small number of Ryukyuans resided in Fuzhou and Beijing at any given time, studying academic classics and various arts as well.

Shi Kefa

Two years later, Shi Kefa was promoted to yushi (御史) on the recommendation of the minister Zhang Guowei (張國維), and was also appointed as xunfu (巡撫; a type of regional governor) of Anqing, Luzhou (present-day Hefei), Taiping (near present-day Wuhu City), Chizhou (池州), and various counties in Henan, Jiangxi and Huguang provinces.

Taiyang Subdistrict

It is based around the small town of Taiyang, Taiyangsheng or Taiyangshengxiang, which lies 19 kilometres east by road of Fuzhou, 64 kilometres north by road from Pulandian.

Wen Jiao

Jiankang having been heavily damaged during the war (and the palace having been burnt during the war), Wen considered moving the capital to Yuzhang (豫章, in modern Nanchang, Jiangxi), but after Wang Dao opposed, noting that Jiankang was in a better position to monitor the northern defenses against Later Zhao, Wen agreed to keep the capital at Jiankang.

Xiamen Railway Station

Since 2010, this has been the southern terminal of the Fuzhou–Xiamen Railway (Fuxia), with frequent D-series trains departing to Fuzhou (via Quanzhou and other coastal cities), some of them continuing north to Wenzhou, Ningbo, Hangzhou and Shanghai Hongqiao.

Xu Jingzong

He was demoted to the post of military assistant of the commandant at Hong Prefecture (洪州, roughly modern Nanchang, Jiangxi).

Yang Shou

In 865, with Tang locked into frequent military confrontations with Dali in the southwest, but with the military supplies often having difficulty reaching the southwest border, Yang suggested that a strong military presence and a supply base be set up at Jiangxi Circuit (江西, headquartered in modern Nanchang, Jiangxi), and that it be transformed from a circuit governed by a governor to one governed by a military governor (to be renamed Zhennan Circuit (鎮南)).

Yuan Zhen

Meanwhile, sometime thereafter, Yuan was made the military advisor to the prefect of Tong Prefecture (通州, in modern Nantong, Jiangsu), while Bai was made the military governor of Jiang Prefecture (江州, in modern Nanchang, Jiangxi).

Zhang Jiuling

Emperor Xuanzong issued an edict praising him for his filial piety, and made him the commandant at Hong Prefecture (洪州, roughly modern Nanchang, Jiangxi).


Zhanggong District, the administrative center of the prefecture-level city of Ganzhou in Jiangxi Province, China

Zhao Yanzhao

These former chancellors were all demoted, with Zhao reduced to being the secretary general of Jiang Prefecture (江州, roughly modern Jiujiang, Jiangxi).

Zhili–Anhui War

In April 1920, while visiting a memorial service at Baoding for soldiers who died in Hunan, one-time presidential-candidate Cao Kun added more warlords to the anti-Anhui clique alliance, including the rulers of Hubei, Henan, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and Zhili.

Zhong Kuangshi

Zhong Kuangshi (鍾匡時) was a warlord late in the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty, who briefly controlled Zhennan Circuit (鎮南, headquartered in modern Nanchang, Jiangxi) after the death of his father Zhong Chuan, who had ruled the circuit for 20 years.

Meanwhile, Zhong Chuan's adoptive son Zhong Yangui (鍾延規), who served as the prefect of Jiang Prefecture (江州, in modern Jiujiang, Jiangxi), was angry that he could not succeed Zhong Chuan, and therefore send emissaries to submit to Yang Wo the military governor of Huainan Circuit.

Zhu Qinming

Emperor Ruizong demoted Zhu to be the prefect of Rao Prefecture (饒州, roughly modern Shangrao, Jiangxi).

see also

Yang Longyan

In 909, Wei Quanfeng, who controlled the Fu Prefecture (撫州, in modern Fuzhou, Jiangxi) region, rose to challenge Hongnong's control of Zhennan Circuit (鎮南, headquartered in modern Nanchang, Jiangxi).