
unusual facts about GDP

2003 Santa Fe flood

According to a UN assessment requested by the provincial governor Carlos Reutemann, the total damages were about $1,000 million, and implied the loss of about 12% of Santa Fe's GDP.

Broad measures of economic progress

In 2007, the European Commission, the European Parliament, Club of Rome, OECD and WWF hosted a conference titled "Beyond GDP".

Canadian public debt

Harvard University economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff warned about the dramatic risks entailed when public debt-to-GDP ratio exceeds 90 percent in their book entitled This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly (2009).

Capability approach

The Human Development Index takes into consideration a number of development and well-being factors that are not taken into account in the calculation of GDP and GNP.

Cut, Cap and Balance Act

The provisions of the bill included a cut in the total amount of federal government spending, a cap on the level of future spending as a percentage of GDP, and, on the condition that Congress pass certain changes to the U.S. Constitution, an increase in the national debt ceiling to allow the federal government to continue to service its debts.

Economy of Guangdong

It is also the largest economy of a sub-national entity in terms of GDP CNY5.26 trillion (US$836.19 billion) in all of Asia, save for Tokyo and sixth or seventh largest sub-national entity in the world.

Economy of New Zealand

Partly as a result, from 1970 to 1990, the relative New Zealand GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power declined from about 115% of the OECD average to 80%.

Economy of Vanuatu

Copra, cocoa, kava and beef account for more than 60% of Vanuatu's total exports by value and agriculture accounts for 20% of GDP.

EF1 guanine nucleotide exchange domain

Elongation factor EF1B (also known as EF-Ts or EF-1beta/gamma/delta) is a nucleotide exchange factor that is required to regenerate EF1A from its inactive form (EF1A-GDP) to its active form (EF1A-GTP).

Genuine progress indicator

Analysis by Robert Costanza also around 1995 of nature's services and their value showed that a great deal of degradation of nature's ability to clear waste, prevent erosion, pollinate crops, etc., was being done in the name of monetary profit opportunity: this was adding to GDP but causing a great deal of long term risk in the form of mudslides, reduced yields, lost species, water pollution, etc.

The need for a GPI to supplement biased indicators such as GDP was highlighted by analyses of uneconomic growth in the 1980s notably that of Marilyn Waring who studied biases in the UN System of National Accounts.

Gewerkschaft der Polizei

The GdP is one three trade unions for police employees in Germany, the other two being the Deutsche Polizeigewerkschaft - affiliated with the German Civil Service Federation - and the Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter, which is exclusively for members of the Kriminalpolizei.


Once phosphorylated, PKB is in its active form and phosphorylates TBC1D4, which inhibits the GAP domain or the GTPase-activating domain associated with TBC1D4, allowing for Rab protein to change from its GDP to GTP bound state.

Google Trends

In April 2012, Tobias Preis, Helen Susannah Moat, H. Eugene Stanley and Steven R. Bishop used Google Trends data to demonstrate that Internet users from countries with a higher per capita gross domestic product (GDP) are more likely to search for information about the future than information about the past.

Growth accounting

Growth accounting decomposes the growth rate of economy's total output into that which is due to increases in the amount of factors used—usually the increase in the amount of capital and labor—and that which cannot be accounted for by observable changes in factor utilization.

Health insurance coverage in the United States

A study published in August 2008 in Health Affairs found that covering all of the uninsured in the US would increase national spending on health care by $122.6 billion, which would represent a 5% increase in health care spending and 0.8% of GDP.

Hot money

Hot money is usually originated from the capital rich, developed countries that have lower GDP growth rate and lower interest rates compared to the GDP growth rate and interest rate of emerging market economies such as India, Brazil, China, Turkey, Malaysia etc.

Hu Chunhua

Under Hu's predecessor Chu Bo, Inner Mongolia saw explosive GDP growth that was the result of developing natural resources.


According to Sam Radwan of Enhance International, low premium penetration (insurance premium as a % of GDP), an ageing population and the largest car market in terms of new sales, premium growth has averaged 15–20% in the past five years, and China is expected to be the largest insurance market in the next decade or two.

King Kelly of the U.S.A.

When their backers pull out, Happy and Kelly manage to scrounge enough dough to get the girls back home; but, find themselves broke, in Europe, in a tiny country where the GDP is measured in mops.


At the same time, it promotes dissociation of any bound GDP from the protein, enhancing GTP binding.

National debt of the United States

In 2010, economists Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart reported that among the 20 developed countries studied, average annual GDP growth was 3–4% when debt was relatively moderate or low (i.e. under 60% of GDP), but it dips to just 1.6% when debt was high (i.e., above 90% of GDP).

Public debt as a percentage of GDP reached its highest level during Harry Truman's first presidential term, during and after World War II, but fell rapidly in the post-World War II period, and reached a low in 1973 under President Richard Nixon.

Pietro Verri

This was followed by the Meditazioni sull'economia politica ("Meditations on Economic Politics", 1771), where he enunciated the laws regulating supply and demand (also in mathematical form), explained the role of money as "universal good", and supported laissez-faire in trade, arguing that balance of payments equilibrium is achieved by GDP adjustments rather than by exchange rate adjustments; as such, he was a precursor of both Adam Smith and marginalism.

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) scheme of the 10 ASEAN Member States and its FTA Partners (Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea and New Zealand) to be concluded by the end of 2015 includes more than 3 billion people, has a combined GDP of about $17 trillion, and accounts for about 40 percent of world trade.

Second Drees cabinet

A major setback was the North Sea flood of 1953, which resulted in damage equivalent to 5% of the GDP.

Sustainability metrics and indices

This report, commissioned by former UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown (and UK Prime Minister, 2007–2010), on the economics of global climate change, estimated that 1% of GDP now must be invested to save 20% of GDP, because of failures by most global market sectors to integrate sustainability in the metrics they have governed with.


Microtubules are essential to cell division, and taxanes stabilize GDP-bound tubulin in the microtubule, thereby inhibiting the process of cell division — a "frozen mitosis".

Welfare in Poland

Due to the economic recession that the economy of Poland suffered in the 1990s, spending in real terms in some areas that have remained stable as a percent of the GDP, such as education and medical services, have fallen.

Zhantoro Satybaldiyev

The gold mine owned by the Canadian company Centerra Gold, is one of the most important contributors to Kyrgyzstan's economy, adding nearly 12% to the national GDP.

see also