
2 unusual facts about GLUT4


Once phosphorylated, PKB is in its active form and phosphorylates TBC1D4, which inhibits the GAP domain or the GTPase-activating domain associated with TBC1D4, allowing for Rab protein to change from its GDP to GTP bound state.

The receptor then phosphorylates and subsequently recruits Insulin Receptor Substrate or IRS-1, which in turn binds the enzyme PI-3 kinase through the binding of the enzyme's SH2 domain to the pTyr of IRS.



Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase

Aldolase has also been implicated in many "moonlighting" or non-catalytic functions, based upon its binding affinity for multiple other proteins including F-actin, α-tubulin, light chain dynein, WASP, Band 3 anion exchanger, phospholipase D (PLD2), glucose transporter GLUT4, inositol trisphosphate, V-ATPase and ARNO (a guanine nucleotide exchange factor of ARF6).

see also