
6 unusual facts about GNI

Economic history of Morocco

! style="background:#f0f0f0;" align="left" valign="top""?title=GNI">GNI(PPP) per capita

EuropeAid Development and Cooperation

contributions would be based on GNI and this may increase the currently voluntary contributions

European Development Fund

contributions would be based on GNI and this may increase the voluntary contributions

First World

Statistics like GNI, life expectancy, and educational attainment levels are combined to form a list of countries ranging from very high human development to low human development.


Girls Night In, a night where girls gather together and girl talk

Water resources management in the Dominican Republic

The destructive force of these phenomena can be enormous - in 1998 Hurricane Georges caused economic losses estimated at US$2,193 (14 percent of GNI), and 235 deaths.



Stephen Kevin Smith

Professor Smith is a founder-member of biomedical start-ups Metris Therapeutics Ltd and GNI Group, the latter undertaking a successful IPO in 2007 and now listed on the Mothers section (comprising high-growth start-ups) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

see also