
5 unusual facts about European Development Fund

ACP–EU development cooperation

The Treaty of Rome granted associated status to 31 overseas collectivities and territories (OCTs) and provided for the creation of a European Development Fund (EDF) intended to grant technical and financial assistance to the countries which were still under European rule at the time.

The first cycle of the EDF was designed for a period of five years and took effect in 1959 (now in its 10th cycle and with a budget of €22.7 billion).

Negotiations are currently ongoing for the 11th European Development Fund, which, as proposed, would cover the period 2014-2020.

European Development Fund

contributions would be based on GNI and this may increase the voluntary contributions

Foreign relations of the European Union

The EU is also a leading provider of humanitarian aid, with over 20% of aid received in the ACP coming from the EU budget or from the European Development Fund (EDF).

see also