
2 unusual facts about Gabriel García

Gabriel García

Gabriel García Moreno (1821–1876), Ecuadorian statesman who twice served as President of that country

Gabriel García Márquez (born 1927), Colombian novelist, journalist, publisher, and political activist

see also

A Journal of the Plague Year

In 1980 there was a Mexican Movie El Año de la Peste (The year of the plague), directed by famous Mexican director Felipe Cazals, with a screenplay written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez which was based on A Journal of the Plague Year.

Ignacio Vázquez

In subsequent years he played less frequently, due to the signing of Daniel Guzmán and later the emergence of Gustavo Napoles and Gabriel García, but he still played a valuable role as Guadalajara won the Verano 1997 championship.

Latin American literature

Latin American authors who figured in prominent literary critic Harold Bloom's The Western Canon list of the most enduring works of world literature include: Rubén Dário, Jorge Luis Borges, Alejo Carpentier, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Severo Sarduy, Reinaldo Arenas, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz, César Vallejo, Miguel Ángel Asturias, José Lezama Lima, José Donoso, Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes, and Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

Tim Buendía

Aracataca is the birthplace of Gabriel García Márquez (affectionately known as Gabo), and is the inspiration for the fictional town of Macondo.