
unusual facts about Gajapati

Bhikari Bal

He was awarded the title of Bhajan Samrat by the Puri Gajapati and was given special privileges inside the temple for his devotional tribute to Lord Jagannath.

Gajapati Kingdom

The Suryavamsi Gajapatis of Odisha, at the height of their power in the 15th century, ruled over an empire extending from the Ganges in the north near Hoogly to the Cauvery in the south under Gajapati Kapilendra Deva.

Jayee Rajguru

Being an excellent scholar in Sanskrit like his grandfather Gadadhar Rajguru and a great Tantra Sadhak, he was appointed as the Chief Minister-cum-Rajguru of Gajapati Dibyasingha Dev in the year 1780 at the age of 41.

Kolleru Lake

The Suryavanshi Gajapatis of Odisha, on the height of their power in the 15th century, ruled over a kingdom extending from the Ganges river in the north to the Kaveri in the south under Gajapati Kapilendra Deva.

Phuntsog self-immolation incident

Tibetan settlers in Gajapati Chandragiri, Andhra Pradesh area launched a three day long protest against the actions of Chinese against Tibetans on October 19, 2011.

Siddha Vinayaka

Legend says that the Gajapati King Purushottama deva (15th century) of Puri on the way to his conquest of the Kanchi Kingdom recovered the image in the hollow of two trees of Bara and Ashwattha and paid his homage to the image after its consecration.

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