
unusual facts about Gardai


Citizen's arrest

The arrest can only be effected if the arrestor has reasonable cause that the person will attempt to avoid apprehension by Gardaí and the arrestor delivers the person to Garda custody as soon as is practicable.

Conor Lenihan

In 2007 he banned Gardaí and Garda reserves from wearing the Sikh turban, saying "if we are to take integration seriously, people who come here must understand our way of doing things. When the President and Ministers travel to the Middle East, they accept cultural requirements of the country and the culture in which they are operating. It is a vice-versa situation with regard to Ireland".

Driving licence in Poland

In February 2009, the Irish police force (Gardai) was investigating a recidivist who received numerous traffic tickets at different addresses when they determined that Gardaí had mistaken the words "Prawo Jazdy", Polish for "driving licence", for the name of the motorist.

John Donnelly

John Aiden Donnelly (born 1952), Gardaí officer and recipient of the Scott Medal

Lansdowne Road football riot

After that match, there were clashes between some Irish and English fans and the Gardai on O'Connell Street in Dublin.

Martin Cahill

The Cahill brothers soon turned to armed robbery, and by the early 1970s Gardai at the Dublin Central Detective Unit (CDU) had identified the Cahill brothers as major criminals, when they teamed up with the notorious Dunne gang in Crumlin to rob security vans conveying cash from banks.

Nora Wall

She finished her contract with the St. Vincent de Paul, and, after some time, got work with Sir Patrick Dunn’s Hospital, which she was forced to leave after the Gardaí informed the hospital she should not be working with people.

The Shelbourne Ultimatum

Ross survives the shooting depicted at the end of NAMA Mia!, but has to deal with Gardaí who don't believe his story, his son, and Sorcha.

see also