
5 unusual facts about Nora Wall

Nora Wall

The Court of Criminal Appeal found that a miscarriage of justice had occurred, and that there had been a serious breakdown in communications between the offices of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Chief State Solicitor, the Garda Síochána (police) and prosecuting counsel.

Finally Judge Paul Carney made his comments about Nora Wall and gave her an unprecedented sentence of life imprisonment.

On 23 July 1999 Wall and McCabe came before Judge Paul Carney for sentencing in the Central Criminal Court.

The above examples are taken from a detailed profile of Mr Justice Paul Carney in The Sunday Business Post on 13 April 2003, written by barrister and author Kieron Wood.

She finished her contract with the St. Vincent de Paul, and, after some time, got work with Sir Patrick Dunn’s Hospital, which she was forced to leave after the Gardaí informed the hospital she should not be working with people.

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