
2 unusual facts about Gardenia


Gardenia thunbergia (White Gardenia, Forest Gardenia, or witkatjiepiering) South Africa.

Gardenia, Belize

They commute to other urban centers for employment and education, taking elementary education in the nearby Sandhill and Biscayne villages.

Brevipalpus phoenicis

In the state of Florida, this mite is known to infest Aphelandra, gardenia, grapefruit, hibiscus, holly, ligustrum, lemon, lime, orange, pecan and viburnum.

Eleonora Vallone

Daughter of actors Raf Vallone and Elena Varzi, she made her film debut in 1979 in the "poliziottesco" Gardenia, later starred in several genre films, except for the more ambitious Alberto Bevilacqua's drama film Le rose di Danzica.

Guettarda speciosa

Guettarda speciosa, colloquially called beach gardenia, or zebra wood, is a species of shrub in the family Rubiaceae found in coastal habitats in tropical areas around the Pacific Ocean, including the coastline of central and northern Queensland and Northern Territory in Australia, and Pacific Islands, including Micronesia, French Polynesia and Fiji, Malaysia and Indonesia and the east coast of Africa.

Northwestern thorn scrub forest

The Northwestern thorn scrub forests are thought to be tropical dry forests that have been degraded through intensive agriculture and grazing into stunted and open thorn scrub, dominated by trees such as Acacia senegal and Acacia leucophloea, as well as Prosopis cineraria, Capparis zeylandica, and species of Salvadora, Gymnosporia, Grewia, and Gardenia.

Uniq plc

In 1973 it acquired Scot Bowyers, a meat-processing company Scot Bowyers, in 1975 United States-based Italian cheese manufacturer Frigo, and in 1978 US specialty cheesemaker, Gardenia.


Some of their renowned landmark buildings include ITC Green Centre, ITC Royal Gardenia, Grand Hyatt, Maurya Sheraton, Corporate offices in Delhi NCR of Ranbaxy, Microsoft & Ericsson etc.

see also