
4 unusual facts about Gary Gilmore

David E. Kendall

Following a clerkship with Supreme Court Justice Byron White, Kendall spent five years as an associate counsel at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, focusing on criminal defense practice, handling high-profile death penalty cases including Coker v. Georgia and the death penalty appeals of John Arthur Spenkelink and Gary Gilmore.

Shot in the Heart

Shot in the Heart is a memoir written by Mikal Gilmore, then a senior contributing editor at Rolling Stone, about his tumultuous childhood in a dysfunctional family, and his brother Gary Gilmore's eventual execution by firing squad in 1977 for a convenience store murder he committed in Provo, Utah.

The Adverts

Lyrically, "Gary Gilmore's Eyes" was a controversial song based on the wishes of Gary Gilmore, an American murderer, that his eyes be donated to medical science after his execution.

The Judy's

Several of their songs were topical: "Dogs" refers to the Son of Sam murderer; "Radiation Squirm" refers to the Three Mile Island accident; "How's Gary" refers to the execution of convicted killer Gary Gilmore; and "Vacation in Tehran" refers to the Iranian hostage crisis, among others.

see also