Shortly after other notable individuals climbed aboard, including Gary Snyder, Alfred Bloom, Joanna Macy and Jack Kornfield.
Many Bioregionalists, including poet Gary Snyder, identify the central and northern Coast Ranges, Klamath-Siskiyou, the Central Valley, and Sierra Nevada as the Shasta Bioregion or the Alta California Bioregion
An avant-garde and thoroughly modern writer, his poetry has been published in major Arab magazines and has translated W. S. Merwin, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Michael McClure, and others.
Gary Cooper | Gary Moore | Gary Allan | Gary Gygax | Gary, Indiana | Gary Burton | Gary Lineker | Gary Player | Gary Numan | Gary Hart | Gary Snyder | Gary Cole | Gary Busey | Snyder | Gary Panter | Gary Oldman | Gary Paulsen | Rick Snyder | Gary Sinise | Gary Johnson | Gary Hughes | Gary Brooker | Gary | Gary Valenciano | Gary Peacock | Gary Owens | Gary Locke | Gary Husband | Gary Graffman | Gary Gilmore |
This rare body of research includes hundreds of biographical files chronicling a rich lifetime of mountain climbs, as she climbed all 14K ((above 14,000 feet) mountains of Colorado Rockies by age 20, letter correspondence with authors and poets such as Gary Snyder and Art Goodtimes and her overlapping years married to pioneering avalanche and snow scientist Ed LaChapelle.
Among the Beats, Gary Snyder and Allen Ginsberg in particular were influenced by the Imagist emphasis on Chinese and Japanese poetry.
She is married to Jack Shoemaker, a Berkeley, California, book publisher (North Point Press, Counterpoint) who publishes Gary Snyder and Wendell Berry.
Knabb's own writings include leaflets, comics, pamphlets and articles on Wilhelm Reich, Georges Brassens, Gary Snyder, the 1960s hip counterculture, the 1970 Polish revolt, the 1979 Iranian revolution, the 1991 Gulf war, the 2006 anti-CPE revolt in France, and the 2011 Occupy movement.
He won a Visiting Writer post at the 2009 International Writers Conference in Hong Kong, where he joined fellow US poet Gary Snyder as well as Pacific Rim colleagues Young-Ha Kim (Korea), Bi Feiyu (China), Atsushi Shiitada (Okinawa), Wena Poon (Singapore), Chen Li (Taiwan), Miguel Syjuco (Philippines) and Janet Charman (New Zealand).
Poets reading at spaces provided by this collective included Anne Waldman; Michael McClure; Gregory Corso; Robert Creeley; Gary Snyder; Diane Wakoski; Robert Bly; and occasionally fiction writers would appear as well, such as award winning mystery writer Edward D. Hoch; as well as regionally known writers from the western N.Y. area, such as Buffalo playwright Emanuel Fried.
Contributors and interview subjects since then include Alison Hawthorne Deming, David Quammen, Lauret Savoy, Terry Tempest Williams, Joy Harjo, Sandra Steingraber, Scott Russell Sanders, Kathryn Miles, Gary Snyder, and many others.
At that time, Sansei Yamao and Gary Snyder traversed the Ominesan mountain range in Nara, which is known as the ShugendÅ mountain, together for a week.