
unusual facts about Gary J. Aguirre

Johns Manville

The filing shocked financial analysts; but a few, such as Gary J. Aguirre, had predicted the filing and had forced Manville to post a bond to guarantee payment to their clients.

Chuck McMains

Boneno, however, was defeated by Gary J. Beard, who ran on an anti-tax platform and also enjoyed the support of the Christian Coalition.

Gary J. Coleman

In May 2009, some of the area presidencies were reorganised and Coleman was called to serve as the Caribbean Area first counselor with Francisco J. Viñas as president and Wilford W. Andersen, second counselor.

Gary Schmidt

Gary J. Schmidt (born 1947), former member of the Wisconsin State Assembly

John M. Madsen

One of Madsen's associates at Washington State was Gary J. Coleman, who Madsen baptized into the LDS Church.

see also