Strong AI, an artificial intelligence that matches or exceeds human intelligence
General Electric | General | General Motors | Attorney General | Central Intelligence Agency | General Hospital | Brigadier General | Governor General of Canada | Governor-General | Massachusetts General Hospital | general | United States Attorney General | general election | General Mills | brigadier general | Brigadier general (United States) | General Dynamics | Governor General | New Jersey General Assembly | United Kingdom general election, 2010 | Attorney General for England and Wales | United Nations General Assembly | United Kingdom general election, 1997 | Secret Intelligence Service | Ontario general election, 1995 | Governor-General of Australia | GNU General Public License | General practitioner | Secretary-General | general manager |
Founded in 2001, the Artificial General Intelligence Research Institute's (AGIRI) mission is to "foster the creation of powerful and ethically positive" Artificial General Intelligence.
Artificial General Intelligence researcher Eliezer Yudkowsky has stated on this note that, probabilistically, humanity is less likely to be threatened by deliberately aggressive AIs than by AIs which were programmed such that their goals are unintentionally incompatible with human survival or well-being (as in the film I, Robot and in the short story "The Evitable Conflict").
He directed the review of all deportation cases and often opposed the activities of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the Justice Department's "Radical Division," soon renamed the General Intelligence Division.