General Electric | General | General Motors | Attorney General | General Hospital | Brigadier General | Governor General of Canada | Governor-General | botany | Massachusetts General Hospital | general | United States Attorney General | general election | General Mills | brigadier general | Brigadier general (United States) | General Dynamics | Governor General | Botany | New Jersey General Assembly | United Kingdom general election, 2010 | Attorney General for England and Wales | United Nations General Assembly | United Kingdom general election, 1997 | Ontario general election, 1995 | Governor-General of Australia | GNU General Public License | General practitioner | Secretary-General | general manager |
It then provides a systematic arrangement of the Australian plants, broadly following the system presented by Augustin Pyramus de Candolle in his 1813 Théorie élémentaire de la botanique.
Throughout the paper, Brown makes morphological observations that have since been described by David Mabberley as "all brilliant and thought-provoking".