
unusual facts about Generalmajor


Brzeg Dolny

Although they occupied the area of the factory, a German raid was organized by Generalmajor Max Sachsenheimer.

Carl Anders

Carl Ulrich Ernst Paul Anders (31 August 1893, Günz, Province of Pomerania – 28 January 1972) was a highly decorated Generalmajor in the Wehrmacht during World War II who commanded several infantry divisions.

Division von Broich/von Manteuffel

On 7 February 1943, the division was renamed Division von Manteuffel after its new commander, Generalmajor Hasso von Manteuffel, succeeding Generalmajor von Broich, who had departed to take command of the 10th Panzer Division.

Emilio Esteban Infantes

Consequently Esteban Infantes was dispatched to Germany where he was inducted into the Wehrmacht with the rank of Generalmajor and with the military oath being administered directly to Hitler at the Berghof.

Günther Tribukait

He was tried along with six other major war criminals: Generaloberst Alexander Löhr (commander-in-chief of Army Group E), Generalleutnant Josef Kübler, Hans Fortner and Fritz Neidholdt, Generalmajor Adalbert Lontschar and the SS-Brigadeführer August Schmidthuber.

Heinrich Borgmann

Generalmajor Rudolf Schmundt and Oberstleutnant Heinz Brandt who were standing to his left and stenographer Heinich Berger to his right were all killed by the explosion, but Borgmann survived with serious injuries.

Jabłonków Incident

After the incident, Generalmajor Eugen Ott, commander of the 7th Infantry Division, which was then concentrated in the area of Žilina, apologised to General Józef Kustroń, commander of the 21st Mountain Infantry Division, which was stationed in nearby cities, and which was responsible for protection of the border.


Kurt Lottner (1899–1957), a Generalmajor in the Wehrmacht during World War II.

Matthias Kleinheisterkamp

Busse had also nominated by teleprinter message Generalmajor Joachim von Siegroth on the 21 April.

Otto Hitzfeld

Hitzfeld, whose nephew Ottmar Hitzfeld is the current manager of the Swiss football team, was promoted to Generalmajor on 1 April 1943 and officially put in command of the 102.


Max Ulich (1896–1964), Generalmajor in the Wehrmacht during World War II

Wilhelm Berlin

Standing behind Hitler from left to right: General der Artillerie Wilhelm Berlin, Generaloberst Robert Ritter von Greim, Generalmajor Franz Reuß, General der Flakartillerie Job Odebrecht and General der Infanterie Theodor Busse

see also