
unusual facts about Generaloberst


Alfred Wünnenberg

before= SS-Oberstgruppenführer und Generaloberst der Polizei Kurt Daluege|

Erich Bloedorn

Bloedorn retired from the Reichswehr in 1930 to serve on the General Staff of former Generaloberst Hans von Seeckt, who served as a military advisor to Chiang Kai-shek in Nanking and Shanghai.

Georg Alexander von Müller

As the war progressed and the Kaiser withdrew into a sheltered life at Imperial Headquarters in an atmosphere of "fear of the world and flight from reality", Müller worked with Generaloberst Moriz von Lyncker at great lengths to persuade the Kaiser to spend more time on the business of the government in Berlin.

Günther Tribukait

He was tried along with six other major war criminals: Generaloberst Alexander Löhr (commander-in-chief of Army Group E), Generalleutnant Josef Kübler, Hans Fortner and Fritz Neidholdt, Generalmajor Adalbert Lontschar and the SS-Brigadeführer August Schmidthuber.

Hans-Georg von Seidel

On the morning of 4 June 1942 at Immola airfield near Imatra, Seidel was the first German general to arrive, followed within a few hours by Generaloberst Hans-Jürgen Stumpff, Generaloberst Eduard Dietl, and then Feldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel who accompanied Hitler.

Island Farm

Generaloberst Heinrich von Vietinghoff, Supreme Commander of the 10th German Army in Italy, 1943 to 1945, which the Germans referred to as the Southwestern Front.

Karl Ludwig d'Elsa

Karl Ludwig d’Elsa (born 1 November 1849 in Dresden, died 20 July 1922 in Tannenfeld bei Nöbdenitz, Löbichau, Thuringia) was a Royal Saxon army officer who was a Generaloberst in the First World War and awarded the Pour le Mérite.


The nickname of Heinrich von Vietinghoff (1887–1952), General (Generaloberst) of the German army during the Second World War

Thomas-Emil von Wickede

On June 23, 1944, a Junkers Ju 52 aircraft carrying von Wickede, General der Gebirgstruppe Karl Eglseer, Generaloberst Eduard Dietl, Generalleutnant Franz Rossi and three other passengers crashed in the vicinity of the small village of Rettenegg, Styria; there were no survivors.

Wilhelm Berlin

Standing behind Hitler from left to right: General der Artillerie Wilhelm Berlin, Generaloberst Robert Ritter von Greim, Generalmajor Franz Reuß, General der Flakartillerie Job Odebrecht and General der Infanterie Theodor Busse

see also