
5 unusual facts about George Blake


George Blake, a British spy for the Soviet Union whose KGB code name was 'Diomid'

Michael Randle

During his time in Wormwood Scrubs prison in 1962-3, he became friends with George Blake, the British MI6 agent condemned in 1961 to forty-two years imprisonment for passing information to the Soviet Union.

Michael Randle (born 1933 in England) is best known as a peace campaigner and peace researcher, one of the pioneers of nonviolent direct action in Britain, and also for his role in helping the Soviet spy George Blake escape from a British prison in 1966.

Peter Lunn

Unknown to either the SIS or the CIA, the tunnel was revealed to the Soviets from the beginning by George Blake, who worked for SIS on the project.

Political offence exception

The political offence exception came into play because the fellow prisoner was Soviet spy George Blake.

see also

James Plaskitt

Plaskitt's face was used as the model for the character of Colonel George Blake in the 2001 computer game Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis.

Neil M. Gunn

His writing brought him into contact with other writers associated with the budding Scottish Renaissance, such as Hugh MacDiarmid, James Bridie, Naomi Mitchison, Eric Linklater, Edwin Muir, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, and George Blake.