
2 unusual facts about George Devereux

George Devereux

"Among the young American anthropologists with whom he collaborated during his preparative stage he encountered only distrust and contempt when, being asked about his teachers, he mentioned the names Mauss, Rivet and Lévy-Bruhl, he said.

Maturin Murray Ballou

Illustrators who worked for Ballou included John Andrew, Charles A. Barry, W.L. Champney, John Chapin, William Croome, Charles Damoreau, George Devereux, Winslow Homer, Frank Leslie, John Manning, Emile Masson, Samuel Worcester Rowse, William Wade, Alfred Waud, William Waud.

Clinical ethnography

Figures in this larger tradition include but are not limited to: Jean Briggs, George Devereux, Cora DuBois, A. Irving Hallowell, Abram Kardiner, Ralph Linton, Melford Spiro, and at least tangentially Gregory Bateson, Margaret Mead, and Marvin Opler.

see also

Edward Devereux, 11th Viscount Hereford

His paternal grandparents were George Devereux of Vaynor (d. 1682) and Bridget Price.