The film is based on the short story "Creation’s Tears", by George James Hopkins (under the name "Neje Hopkins").
On the 1922 morning that Taylor's body was found, Charles Eyton instructed Hopkins to remove a basket of documents from the murder scene, and Hopkins obeyed.
The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration in a Black-and-White film (Carl Jules Weyl, George James Hopkins).
George W. Bush | James Bond | George Washington | George H. W. Bush | Johns Hopkins University | James Joyce | James Brown | George | George Bernard Shaw | Order of St Michael and St George | James Cook | James Stewart | George Gershwin | George Orwell | James II of England | George Harrison | George Clooney | George III of the United Kingdom | James Garner | George Frideric Handel | James | James Cameron | James Taylor | James Madison | David Lloyd George | George Washington University | George Lucas | James May | Saint George | George III |