
5 unusual facts about George Müller

Benjamin Wills Newton

The feud ultimately led to the division of the Plymouth Brethren in 1848 when George Muller, the co-leader of Bethesda chapel, a brethren assembly in Bristol, allowed visitors from Ebrington Street into fellowship in Bristol and was slow to comply to Darby's ultimatum for all assemblies to condemn Newton's heresy.

His friends and supporters during years of relentless vilification by the Darbyites included Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, George Muller and Charles Spurgeon.

Georg Müller

George Müller (1805–1898), Christian evangelist and orphanage director

George Mueller

George Müller (1805–1898), Christian evangelist and coordinator of orphanages in England

George Müller

On 7 October 1830, he married Mary Groves, the sister of Anthony Norris Groves.

see also