
3 unusual facts about Georges de La Tour

Henri Richelet

Following the tradition of Caravaggio, or of Georges de La Tour in his Saint Jérôme pénitent, he uses dark backgrounds to make livid and pallid flesh of tense, hunched up bodies stand out.

Les Passions

Its vocation is to convince the public that ancient music is as relevant to the present as are the writings of Molière, the paintings of La Tour or the architecture of Mansart.

Louis XIII style

Among the French painters who blended Italian mannerism with a love of genre scenes were Georges de La Tour, Simon Vouet, and the Le Nain brothers.

17th-century French art

There was also a strong Caravaggio school represented in the period by the amazing candle-lit paintings of Georges de La Tour.

Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy

Some of the painters whose work is featured in the collections are Perugino, Tintoretto, Jan Brueghel the Younger, Caravaggio, Georges de La Tour, Charles Le Brun, Ribera, Rubens, Claude Gellée (known as Le Lorrain and Claude), Luca Giordano, François Boucher, Eugène Delacroix, Édouard Manet, Claude Monet, Paul Signac, Modigliani, Picasso, Raoul Dufy...

Trophime Bigot

Bigot has always been known from his documented altarpieces in Provence, but the English art historian Benedict Nicolson was the first to propose that he was identical with the artist called Maître à la chandelle (Candlelight Master), who was active in Rome, producing relatively small candle-lit scenes with heavy but subtle chiaroscuro in a style similar to that of Georges de La Tour.

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