
7 unusual facts about Georges Clemenceau

Clemenceau metro station

It is located on Clemenceau Avenue, between Bergensesteenweg and Kliniekstraat next to a slaughterhouse, in the municipality of Anderlecht.

Clemenceau, Saskatchewan

Clemenceau is a hamlet in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan named after Georges Clemenceau, the French physician, journalist and statesman.

Edward Filene

He corresponded with a wide range of leaders from Woodrow Wilson and Georges Clemenceau to Mahatma Gandhi and Vladimir Lenin.

Émile Muselier

Muselier had previously been attached to the cabinets of Painlevé and Clemenceau, then became chief of staff of the naval delegation to Germany.

Geoffrey Bruun

He was the author of several books on European history, including Europe and the French Imperium, 1799–1814, published in 1938; Europe in Evolution, (1945) and Europe and America Since 1492 (1954), as well as a biography of Georges Clemenceau, the French statesman, published in 1943.

Guy Maier

After the armistice, they gave a recital in Paris that was attended by President Woodrow Wilson and French Premier Georges Clemenceau.

We shall fight on the beaches

However, Churchill himself had attended a speech given by Georges Clemenceau in Paris in June 1918, in which Clemenceau had used similar diction ("I will fight the Germans in front of Paris, I will fight in Paris, and I will fight behind Paris").

Auguste Scheurer-Kestner

Taking up the cause of the review, he contacted Joseph Reinach, and pulled in Clemenceau in November 1897, published in Le Temps an open letter in which he stated the innocence of Dreyfus.

Char 2C

Pétain asked for 300 heavy tanks to be ready by March 1919, causing a quarrel to erupt between Clemenceau, who was both Prime-Minister and Minister of War, and Louis Loucheur, the Minister of Armament, who felt it was impossible to provide the labour and steel required.

Giovanni Giolitti

He stands out as one of the major liberal reformers of late 19th- and early 20th-century Europe alongside Georges Clemenceau and David Lloyd George.

Military history of Italy during World War I

Italy's representative in the Paris Peace Conference which led to the Versailles Treaty was Premier Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, considered one of the "Big Four" with President Woodrow Wilson of the United States, Prime Minister David Lloyd-George of the United Kingdom, and Premier Georges Clemenceau of the French Republic.


It is known as the place of birth of Charles-Louis Largeteau (who contributed to the establishment of the Greenwich Meridian), Georges Clemenceau (head of the French Government during World War I and who signed the Treaty of Versailles with Lloyd George, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando and Woodrow Wilson) and Marshal Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (who participated in the liberation of France with the Allied forces in 1945).

Will Dyson

Published in the British Daily Herald on 13 May 1919, it showed David Lloyd George, Vittorio Orlando and Georges Clemenceau (the Prime Ministers of Britain, Italy and France respectively), together with Woodrow Wilson, the President of the United States, emerging after a meeting at Versailles to discuss the Peace Treaty.

see also