
7 unusual facts about German Archaeological Institute


Between 2000 and 2002 the site was investigated by the German Institute of Archaeology.

Chemtou Museum

This museum of modern design is a collaboration between archaeologists of the Tunisian National Heritage Institute and the German Archaeological Institute offices located in Rome, Italy.

German Protestant Institute

At the same time, it serves as a research unit of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI).

Jabal al-'Awd

In 1998 the German Archaeological Institute requested permission from the Yemeni Archaeology Authority to start official excavations of the site, primarily to establish where exactly the illicitly excavated objects were found, and also to investigate further any evidence of cultural relations between Yemen and especially the Mediterranean in early Himyaritic times.

Kazimierz Godłowski

Member of many Polish and foreign scientific societies, including the German Archaeological Institute from 1975 and the Bavarian Academy of Sciences from 1994.


Romano-Germanic Commission (Römisch-Germanische Kommission), a department of the German Archaeological Institute

Udo Recker

In 1991 he was part of a German archaeological team under the direction of the late Prof. Dr. Klaus Kilian (1939–1992) of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) excavating in Pidurangula, Central Province, Sri Lanka.


From 1994 onwards, a team of German archaeologists from the University of Bonn directed by late Prof. Dr. Helmut Roth, Dr. Udo Recker (1994-1996) and Oliver Kessler M.A. (1997 onwards) conducted joint excavations at Godavaya with the Archaeological Department of Sri Lanka, under Director General Dr. W.H. Wijeyapala and the German Archaeological Institute (DAI).

Gunnar Brands

He received a travel grant from the German Archaeological Institute in 1987, and was a research fellow working on the site of Sana'a in the Yemen Arab Republic in a project operated by that Institute .

Herbert Bloch

He was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (since 1990 Hon. Mem.), The German Archaeological Institute, the Zentraldirektion of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica.

Wolfgang Müller-Wiener

From 1962 to 1967 he was the second director of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo and during this time he directed the excavations at Abu Mena by Alexandria.

see also

Udo Recker

From 1992-1993 he took part in excavations carried out in Tissamaharama, Southern Province, Sri Lanka, under the direction of Dr. Hans Joachim Weisshaar of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI).