
unusual facts about Gheorghe Tătărescu

Romanian Front

After the collapse of the government and the emergence of Gheorghe Tătărescu as Prime Minister, the Romanian Front was born (in 1935) to pursue a more aggressive policy of anti-Semitism and fascism.

National Renaissance Front

It was the party of Prime Ministers Armand Călinescu, Gheorghe Argeşanu, Constantin Argetoianu, Gheorghe Tătărescu and Ion Gigurtu, whose regimes were associated with corporatism and antisemitism.

Romanian general election, 1946

Later in the same month, the British government of Clement Attlee, represented by Adrian Holman, issued a note informing Foreign Minister Gheorghe Tătărescu that, due to the numerous infringements, it did not recognize the result of elections in Romania.

see also