
unusual facts about Ghettos in Nazi-occupied Europe

532d Training Squadron

At that time, the Eighth Air Force and the Royal Air Force Bomber Command were engaged in a combined bomber offensive against strategic targets in Nazi Germany and Occupied Europe.

92d Air Refueling Wing

It was the first VIII Bomber Command B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bombardment group to carry out strategic bombardment operations against targets in Occupied Europe and Nazi Germany from RAF Bovingdon, England in September 1942.

A Jewish Girl in Shanghai

During the Second World War, approximately 20,000 Jewish refugees fleeing German-occupied Europe were given an area of approximately one square mile in the Hongkou District of Shanghai by the Japanese Empire, designated the Restricted Sector for Stateless Refugees, one of the poorest and most overcrowded areas of the city.

Częstochowa Ghetto

The Częstochowa Ghetto was a Jewish ghetto set up by Nazi Germany in the city of Częstochowa in south-central Poland, for the purpose of persecution and exploitation of local Jews during the German occupation of Poland.

Klooga concentration camp

Jews constituted a vast majority after large numbers of them forcibly relocated in August and September 1943 from the ghettos of Kovno and Vilna in Lithuania and Salaspils in Latvia; smaller numbers were from Estonia, Russia and Romania.

Kraków-Podgórze Detention Centre

The prison was initially incorporated within the borders of the Kraków Ghetto when that district was created by the Nazis in March 1941; however, in the redistricting of June 1942 (following mass deportations of Ghetto population) the whole street was placed outside the confines of the Ghetto.

Marcinkonys Ghetto

Marcinkonys or Marcinkance Ghetto was a Jewish ghetto established in Marcinkonys, Lithuania, during the Holocaust.

Nikolay Yakovlevich Kiselyov

At the nearby Jewish ghetto of Dolginovo (Daŭhinava), a massacre had been carried out on 5 June 1942 as part of the Nazi "Final Solution", and the Mstitel battalion acquired knowledge of the events.

Radom Ghetto

Radom Ghetto was a World War II ghetto set up in March 1941 by Nazi Germany in the city of Radom in occupied Poland, for the purpose of persecution and exploitation of the local Polish Jews.

World War II political cartoons

In contrast to official government-sponsored propaganda, German-occupied Europe also produced resistance cartoons mocking the new order.

see also