
unusual facts about Ghibellines

Aimery IV of Narbonne

By 1289, Aimery had so distinguished himself that he was put in command of the Guelph troops massed to attack the Ghibellines of Arezzo.


Francois Grimaldi who was set on the conquest of Monaco's Castle (Prince's Palace of Monaco) which was the stronghold of the Ghibellines, was advised by the Church to take a more passive approach, but had decided to go another route.

Legend has it that in 1297 under the guidance of a soothsayer known as Dracosia (a mystic from Genoa) who practiced Stregheris, sometimes referred to as "La Vecchia Religione" (meaning the Old Religion), who had advised François Grimaldi to disguise himself as a monk in order to gain entrance to the Ghibellines fortress, foretelling that this would insure his victory.

Elena da Feltre

:Place: Feltre, Northern Italy, a Guelph town occupied by the Ghibellines under Ezzelino III da Romano

Fra Dolcino

The research of Orioli shows that De Julio Presbitero was actually the name of a wealthy family of Vercelli belonging to the Ghibellines often married with members of the Tornielli family of nearby Novara (Romagnano Sesia), also Ghibellines, so he proposes that Dolcino could be the son of a couple that united members of both families.

Guido Bonatti

His employers were all Ghibellines (supporters of the Holy Roman Emperor), who were in conflict with the Guelphs (supporters of the Pope), and all were excommunicated at some time or another.

see also