Medieval astrologers, most notably the major 13th-century Italian, Guido Bonatti, a contemporary of Dante, assumed it was the Arabs who originated the concept of the lots, and hence they came eventually to be called the "Arabic parts".
The formulas for the Hermetic lots later made their way into the Medieval astrological tradition where they appear in authors such as Abu Ma'shar and Guido Bonatti, although their lists have been combined with an alternate lot tradition derived from the 2nd century astrologer Vettius Valens.
His employers were all Ghibellines (supporters of the Holy Roman Emperor), who were in conflict with the Guelphs (supporters of the Pope), and all were excommunicated at some time or another.
Guido Reni | Guido Westerwelle | Guido Aleati | Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli | Guido van Rossum | Guido delle Colonne | Guido Buzzelli | Guido Verbeck | Guido Mantega | Guido Guidi | Guido Gezelle | Guido Calabresi | Guido Cagnacci | Guido Buchwald | Guido Bertolaso | Father Guido Sarducci | Walter Bonatti | Tomás Guido | Guido Tarlati | Guido Maus | Guido Görres | Guido de Marco | Guido Crepax | Guido Bonatti | Guido Baumann | The Dragon's Head and Tail, from Guido Bonatti | Saint-Guidon/Sint-Guido metro station | Luigi Guido Grandi | Kiss Me, Guido | José María Guido |