
2 unusual facts about Ghost Dance

Dewey Beard

Iron Hail joined the Ghost Dance movement and was in Spotted Elk's band along with his parents, siblings, wife and child.

John Grass

During the time of the Ghost Dance movement and the Wounded Knee Massacre, Grass advocated peace with the United States, which did not earn him the respect of many Hunkpapa leaders.

Black Elk Speaks

In the summer of 1930, as part of his research into the Native American perspective on the Ghost Dance movement, the poet and writer John Neihardt, already the Nebraska Poet Laureate, received permission from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to go to the Pine Ridge Reservation with his two daughters to meet an Oglala holy man and shaman named Black Elk.

Catherine Weldon

Weldon became confidante and private secretary to Sitting Bull during the time when Plains Indians had adopted the Ghost Dance movement.

Ditonic scale

Several ditonic scales were noted about the Modoc and Klamath tribes of the North American West Coast, and are also found in the Great Plains in the rituals of the 1800s Ghost Dance religion.

Tony Tillohash

Besides the myth-songs i.e., the myth recitatives spoken of here, over two hundred other songs of various kinds (three or four varieties of "cry" or mourning songs, bear-dance songs, round-dance songs, ghost-dance songs, medicine songs, gambling songs, scalp songs, and others less easy to classify) were obtained from him.

see also

Catherine Weldon

The poet and playwright Derek Walcott refers to Weldon and her life in his play The Ghost Dance and in his epic poem Omeros.

Hawkwind videography

Tracks: Roy Harper: "One Man Rock'n'Roll Band"; "Commune"; "I Hate The White Man"; "Highway Blues";
Hawkwind: "Ghost Dance"; "Angels Of Death"; "Watching the Grass Grow"; "Utopia"; "Social Alliance"; "Brainstorm";
The Enid: "Sunrise"; "Song For Europe"; "Something Wicked This Way Comes"; "Wild Thing"

The Brethren of the Long House

# "Ghost Dance" (DiMeo, Reale, Flyntz, Pete Perez, Bobby Jarzombek) - 5:35