
2 unusual facts about Gianluigi Gelmetti

Gianluigi Gelmetti

Gelmetti made his first guest-conducting appearance with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra in 1994.

La Chanson du mal-aimé

Gianluigi Gelmetti, Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, Laurent Deleuil (the Poor-Loved), Jean-Luc Chaignaud (the Double), Alessandro Luciano (the Angel), Danielle Streiff et Katarzyna Medlarska (forthcoming)

Hans Swarowsky

His many conducting students included Leonid Nikolaev, Paul Angerer, Claudio Abbado, Iván Fischer, Jesús López-Cobos, Zubin Mehta, Gustav Meier, Miltiades Caridis, Alexander Alexeev, Giuseppe Sinopoli, Gianluigi Gelmetti, Brian Jackson, Alfred Prinz, Bryan Fairfax and Albert Rosen.

Maciej Żółtowski

Maciej Żółtowski participated in many master-courses working under supervision of notable artists like Zoltán Pesko, Lászlo Tihanyi, Yuri Simonov and Gianluigi Gelmetti.

Monika Gonzalez

Gonzalez worked together with conductors such as Georges Prêtre, Iván Fisher, Gianluigi Gelmetti, Ervin Lukács, Kuijken, Will Humburg, W. Gönnenwein, and with directors as Gianfranco de Bosio, Pierluigi Pizzi, etc.

Music of Monaco

The Orchestra is quite prominent in the classical world, and has been conducted by Igor Markevitch, Lovro von Matačić, Paul Paray, Lawrence Foster, Gianluigi Gelmetti and Louis Frémaux.

see also

Lena Belkina

In June 2012, she sang as Angelina Gianluigi Gelmetti in Mondovision's live filming of La Cenerentola, which was recently awarded with the 64th Prix Italia.