
2 unusual facts about Giant Leap

Giant Leap

"One Giant Leap", the third episode of the NBC supernatural drama series Heroes

"That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind", the famous words of Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong when he became the first human to both set foot on the Moon, and the first human to step onto another world.

see also

Charles Stark Draper Laboratory

In 2010 Draper Laboratory and MIT collaborated with two other partners as part of the Next Giant Leap team to win a grant towards achieving the Google Lunar X Prize send the first privately funded robot to the Moon.

Kilimanjaro Expedition

Head explains the team's route to Kilimanjaro, which mostly consists of a way from Surrey to Rottingdean, with a giant leap from Rottingdean to Nairobi (Head's map of Britain cuts off there, and is overlying his map of Africa), down to Tanzania, and then asking from there.

One False Step for Mankind

According to the game rules "It's one false step for Mankind, one giant leap for you." This is a clear play on astronaut Neil Armstrong's first spoken words on the surface of the moon in 1969.