Roy Haynes | Todd Haynes | Johnny Haynes | John Earl Haynes | William J. Haynes, II | John Henry Haynes | Elwood Haynes | Alfred C. Haynes | William J. Haynes | Stephen Haynes | John Haynes Holmes | John Haynes | Colton Haynes | William E. Haynes | Tiger Haynes | Ryan A. Haynes | Rainey Haynes | Noah Haynes Swayne | Mark Haynes | Lloyd Haynes | Lemuel Haynes House | Lemuel Haynes | Keith E. Haynes | Joseph E. Haynes | John C. Haynes & Co. | Hezekiah Haynes | Haynes Manual | Haynes International Motor Museum | Haynes International | Haynes |
While guitarist Paul Leary has described Cream Corn... as an unfinished full-length album, lead vocalist Gibby Haynes has said it was conceived as a single with additional songs.
Special guests were invited to add finishing flourishes: the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' Nick Zinner contributes his distinctive guitar playing to "In Thee Body" and "Maximum Swing", the Butthole Surfers' Gibby Haynes adds vocals to "Maximum Swing" and "I Don't Think So" and renowned author Douglas Rushkoff — the original keyboardist for PTV3 — plays on "Lies and Then".
In 1990, he and Butthole Surfers' lead vocalist Gibby Haynes released Digital Dump, the only album from their psychedelic house music side project The Jackofficers.
The vocals in "Some Dispute Over T-Shirt Sales" are similar to the one in the Ministry song "Jesus Built My Hotrod", possibly as an intentional reference as vocalist Gibby Haynes sung the vocals on that song.
The original airstaff included Sara Trexler, former KNNC (Austin's original commercial alternative radio outlet) personality Rachel Marisay, LA Lloyd Hocutt, Butthole Surfer Gibby Haynes, KNNC ex Ray Seggern, Austin Chronicle critic and Z-Rock Austin personality Andy Langer, and more.