
4 unusual facts about Gilbert Wakefield

Gilbert Wakefield

This was in response to An Address to the People of Great Britain (1798), by Richard Watson, Bishop of Llandaff, which argues that national taxes should be raised to pay for the war against France and to reduce the national debt.

In his memoirs Wakefield records that the work was laborious particularly in the comparison of the Oriental versions with the received text, but was well received and "much more profitable to me than all my other publications put together".

Wakefield also published editions of various classical writers, and among his theological writings are Early Christian Writers on the Person of Christ (1784), Silva Critica (1789–95), illustrations of the Scriptures, and An Examination of Paine's Age of Reason in (1794).

John Bruckner

‘Thoughts on Public Worship,’ 1792; in reply to Gilbert Wakefield's ‘Enquiry into the Expediency and Propriety of Public or Social Worship,’ 1791.

see also