
3 unusual facts about Gillo Pontecorvo

Marco Pontecorvo

Marco Pontecorvo was initially interested in black and white photography, but eventually became a cinematographer like his father Gillo Pontecorvo.

Norman Hill

In 1969, Norman Hill also had a lead role in the controversial movie Burn!, starring Marlon Brando and Evaristo Marquez and directed by Gillo Pontecorvo, about the impact and morality of an English mercenary on the slave revolt of an "imaginary" Caribbean island of Queimada.

Saadi Yacef

After the Algerian War, Yacef helped produce Gillo Pontecorvo's film The Battle of Algiers (1966), based on Souvenirs de la Bataille d'Alger.

Antonio Caggiano

He also says that in the course of counter-insurgency classes cadets at the Navy Mechanics School were shown the film The Battle of Algiers (1966), made by Italian communist director Gillo Pontecorvo.

Franco Giraldi

Later Giraldi had the opportunity to work as assistant director of, among others, Gillo Pontecorvo, Giuseppe De Santis, Sergio Corbucci and Sergio Leone.

Hassiba Ben Bouali

Benbouali was depicted in the movie The Battle of Algiers by Italian director Gillo Pontecorvo.

see also