Others were planned but never carried out, such as the steelworks of Gioia Tauro.
Gioia del Colle | Gioia Tauro | Dana Gioia | Eric Gioia | Tauro | G. Joseph Tauro |
With terminal operations starting in Savona and Gioia Tauro in 1995 and with restructuring of the Euroasia/Medasia services and the establishing of a Med-US Gulf and Mexico service they made further service improvements.
According to the sociologist Pino Arlacchi, the background of the war was the attempt of the De Stefano brothers to turn their accumulated wealth and power to account by claiming contracts for the Gioia Tauro port.
The Medcenter Container Terminal (Medcenter, Contship) is the main operator working within the seaport of Gioia Tauro.