
2 unusual facts about Giulio Einaudi

Giovanni Raboni

Raboni became was appreciated as both a literary critic and a translator of classic works: he translated in Italian some works by Gustave Flaubert, and by Guillaume Apollinaire, Les Fleurs du mal by Charles Baudelaire for Einaudi publishing house, Jean Racine and Proust's In Search of Lost Time in Mondadori's "I Meridiani" collection.

Tullio Avoledo

In that year his first novel for Einaudi, one of the most renowned Italian publishers (which had also issued pocket editions of the former two), was released, under the title Tre sono le cose misteriose.


Since the Seventies Filicudi was rediscovered and populated by photographers and artists such as Sergio Libiszewsky, Ettore Sottsas, novelist Roland Zoss, and editor Giulio Einaudi.

Luigi Einaudi

Both his son Giulio, a prominent Italian publisher, and his grandson, Ludovico, a neo-Classical musician, have subsequently made names for themselves.

Niccolò Ammaniti

He released Fa un po' male (It's a little bad) on 1 June 2004 by Giulio Einaudi which had a Davide Fabbri illustrated cover.

see also