
unusual facts about Proust

Agents and Patients

Blore-Smith falls in love with Maltravers’ wife, Sarah (a motoring enthusiast), becomes entangled with Mrs Mendoza (Mendie), whose flower shop, la cattleya, evokes Proust, and eventually travels with Maltravers and Chipchase to Berlin, where he observes first-hand the workings of the cinema.

Alessandro Piperno

In 2000, he published the controversial critical essay on Marcel Proust, inflammatorily entitled "Proust antiebreo (Proust, Anti-Jew)".

Aubrey–Maturin series

Though sometimes compared to Trollope, Melville, Conrad and even Proust, the Aubrey–Maturin series has most often been compared to the works of Jane Austen, one of O'Brian's greatest inspirations in English literature.


Cabourg, France, which was the model for the fictional town of Balbec in Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time

Davide Bombana

-- is "guested" English? --> in La Scala's production of John Cranko's Romeo and Juliet and Roland Petit's Proust, and has worked at the Bayerische Staatsballett in Munich as a principal dancer from 1986-1991 (and as a choreographer from 1991–1998).

Diane Paragas

As a commercial director, she has directed campaigns for American Airlines, Andrew Cuomo, care.com and Proust.com for which she won first place in the Google TV For All Contest.

Édouard Detaille

The painting, which is located at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, also appears in Paintings in Proust by Eric Karpeles, published by Thames & Hudson.

Georges Poulet

In these four volumes, Poulet conducts an exhaustive examination of the work of French authors such as Molière, Proust, Flaubert, and Baudelaire to find the expression of what he calls the cogito, or consciousness, of each writer (Leitch et al. 1318).

Giovanni Raboni

Raboni became was appreciated as both a literary critic and a translator of classic works: he translated in Italian some works by Gustave Flaubert, and by Guillaume Apollinaire, Les Fleurs du mal by Charles Baudelaire for Einaudi publishing house, Jean Racine and Proust's In Search of Lost Time in Mondadori's "I Meridiani" collection.


Recent Proust scholarship, however, has argued that Proust's descriptions of Combray owe as much to his uncle's home in Auteuil as to Illiers.

Indira Varma

In 2000 to 2001, she appeared in Harold Pinter and Di Trevis's NT stage adaptation of Pinter's The Proust Screenplay, Remembrance of Things Past, based on À la recherche du temps perdu, by Marcel Proust.

Ist das Ihr Fahrrad, Mr. O'Brien?

In the play, a number of writers, historic, literary or public figures, and scientists are mentioned to illustrate O’Nolan’s colorful and over-populated universe, such as Marcel Proust, Oscar Wilde, Graham Greene, James Joyce, Fionn mac Cumhaill, Harry Rowohlt, Homer, Jonathan Swift, George Bernhard Shaw, the Marx Brothers, Brendan Behan, Éamon de Valera, Karl Kraus, Sherlock Holmes, and Erwin Schrödinger.

Jeannine Achón

Two years later, in late 2009, she organized an exhibition at the National Union of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC), entitled "Las Intermitencias del Color", a title inspired by Roland Petit's ballet "Proust, or Intermittences of the Heart" based on the eponymous work of Marcel Proust, with fifteen new large-format paintings.

Joachim Neugroschel

Neugroschel translated more than 200 books of numerous authors, including Sholem Aleichem, Bergelson, Chekhov, Dumas, Hesse, Kafka, Mann, Moliere, Maupassant, Proust, Schweitzer, Singer and modern writers such as Ernst Jünger, Elfriede Jelinek and Tahar Ben Jelloun.

Juan José Saer

Like several of his contemporaries (Ricardo Piglia, César Aira, Roberto Bolaño), Saer's work often builds on particular and highly codified genres, such as detective fiction (The Investigation), colonial encounters (The Witness), travelogues (El río sin orillas), or canonical modern writers (e.g. Proust, in La mayor and Joyce, in "Sombras sobre vidrio esmerilado").

Murray Bail

Reviewers recently compared Bail's Notebooks 1970-2003 with Proust, Gide and Valery's.

Powers of Horror

According to Kristeva, the best modern literature (Dostoevsky, Proust, Artaud, Céline, Kafka, etc.) explores the place of the abject, a place where boundaries begin to breakdown, where we are confronted with an archaic space before such linguistic binaries as self/other or subject/object.

Proust Was a Neuroscientist

Proust Was a Neuroscientist is a non-fiction book written by Jonah Lehrer, first published in 2007.


Many extraordinary artists have exhibited in the two SACI Galleries, from fashion designer Elio Fiorucci to Proust Armchair creator Alessandro Mendini, from Audrey Flack to Beverly Pepper.

Sister Bernadette's Barking Dog: The Quirky History and Lost Art of Diagramming Sentences

Writing for The Wall Street Journal, Charles Harrington Elster calls the book a "pleasantly discursive and affectionate tribute to an antiquated art" in which Florey explains the concept and history of sentence diagramming with sentences by Lewis Carroll, Woody Allen, Henry James, Marcel Proust, Mark Twain, and William Faulkner.

Stéphane Heuet

As a break from the Proust project in 2010 he published a collection of 18 maritime stories by authors such as Pierre Mac Orlan and Herman Melville with watercolour illustrations.

Yaakov Shabtai

In its English translation the novel received international acclaim as a unique work of modernism, prompting critic Gabriel Josipovici of The Independent to name it the greatest novel of the decade, comparing it to Proust's In Search of Lost Time.

see also