Heian period | Edo period | Meiji period | Kamakura period | Tudor period | Hellenistic period | Warring States period | Sengoku period | interwar period | Taishō period | Muromachi period | Jōmon period | Interwar period | Yamato period | Stuart period | Woodland period | The Best Damn Sports Show Period | Spring and Autumn period | Shōwa period | Second Temple period | Sangam period | Early modern period | early modern period | Vedic period | ''Taishō'' period | Nara period | Migration Period | Helladic period | Classical period | Asuka period |
The landforms, stratigraphy and mammal remains at Black Rock provide an extremely valuable record of former sea levels and changing environmental conditions during the last few glaciations which have affected this area, Southern England, unlike much of the rest of the UK has not been affected by full scale glaciation.
The term Würm is derived from a river in the Alpine foreland, approximately marking the maximum glacier advance of this particular glacial period.
The species has been confirmed to have been native to northern Arizona since at least the Late Wisconsin late glacial period based upon pollen core analysis at the Waterman Mountains (Coconino County) - (not the Waterman Mountains of Pima County); dominant trees of Juniperus osteosperma and Pinus monophylla remain extant species to the present time in this predominantly Pinyon-juniper woodland.