
3 unusual facts about Woodland period

Breakheart Reservation

Archaeological evidence shows that hunting, camping, and fishing took place along the Saugus River as far back as the Paleo-Indians and continuing through the Archaic and Woodland periods.

Millcreek Township, Erie County, Pennsylvania

The township's Sommerheim Park is the location of the Sommerheim Park Archaeological District, which has yielded archaeological artifacts from the Archaic and Woodland periods.

Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, Cincinnati

Due to the presence of the cemetery, no excavation has ever been conducted there; consequently, all that is known about the village is that it was inhabited during the Woodland period.

Gregory Perino

In Illinois, he is well known for his numerous excavations of Middle and Late Woodland, and Mississippian mortuary sites in the Illinois, Mississippi, and Kaskaskia River valleys.

see also

Preston Holder

Another excavation Holder conducted at the Saint Simon’s airport on Saint Simons Island, Georgia revealed a large Late Archaic and Woodland period settlement.