
unusual facts about Global Health

American Neuropsychiatric Association

Current SIGs include Clinical Practice, Conversion Disorders, Dementia, Developmental Disorders and Pediatrics, Early Career, Epilepsy, Forensics, Global Health, Movement Disorders, Neuroimaging and Traumatic Brain Injury.

see also

Action for Global Health

The network was initiated through a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as part of their support for global health advocacy.

Andrew Haines

Under his leadership the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine received the 2009 Award for Global Health from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation worth $1m, for sustained commitment to improving the health of poor people, having been selected from 106 nominations worldwide by an international jury of experts.

Asian Journal of Transfusion Science

The journal is indexed with Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases, CAB Abstracts, Caspur, CINAHL, DOAJ, EBSCO, EMCARE, Expanded Academic ASAP, JournalSeek, Global Health, Google Scholar, Health & Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, OpenJGate, PubMed, SCOLOAR, SIIC databases, Tropical Diseases Bulletin, and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.

Gib Clarke

Gib Clarke served as program associate for population, environment, and health issues for the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program and the Global Health Initiative.

Global Task Force on Expanded Access to Cancer Care and Control in Developing Countries

The Task Force is a 36-member body combining leaders in cancer and global health and co-chaired by Julio Frenk, Dean of the Harvard School of Public Health and Lawrence Corey, President and Director of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Gold Mercury International

Robert Gallo (the scientists that co discoverer of the HIV Virus) received the Gold Mercury Award for Global Health in 2006.

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

In 2011, IHME co-sponsored the first Global Health Metrics & Evaluation conference in Seattle with The Lancet, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Harvard School of Public Health, and University of Queensland School of Population Health.

Institute for Quantitative Social Science

IQSS also has increasingly rich connections with the Initiative for Innovative Computing, the Harvard Initiative for Global Health, and the Broad Institute (along with many more substantively oriented centers), including joint grant proposals and collaborative research.

Janet Dempsey Steiger

They had one son, William R. Steiger, who is presently Director of the Office of Global Health Affairs at the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, where he has been the subject of controversy for his role in the politicization of science.

John Kirton

John J. Kirton is a professor of political science and the director and co-founder of the G8 Research Group, co-director (with Alan Alexandroff and Donald Brean) and founder of the G20 Research Group, and founder and co-director (with James Orbinski) of the Global Health Diplomacy Program, all housed at the Munk School of Global Affairs at University of Trinity College in the University of Toronto.

Journal of Cytology

It is indexed by Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases, CAB Abstracts, Caspur, CINAHL, DOAJ, EBSCO, Expanded Academic ASAP, JournalSeek, Global Health, Google Scholar, Health & Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, Journal Citation Reports, OpenJGate, Science Citation Index Expanded, SCOLOAR, Scopus, SIIC databases, and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.

June Goodfield

While at the Rockefeller University she founded International Health and Biomedicine (UK/USA), a not-for-profit organisation whose objective was to enhance public understanding of science and its impact on global health problems.


Juxtaposition Magazine, a student run Global Health magazine at the University of Toronto

Leslie Jamison

Her father is the economist and global health researcher Dean Jamison.

Lung India

It is indexed with Caspur, DOAJ, EBSCO Publishing’s Electronic Databases, Excerpta Medica/EMBASE, Expanded Academic ASAP, JournalSeek, Global Health, Google Scholar, Health & Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region, Indian Science Abstracts, IndMed, MANTIS, MedInd, OpenJGate, ProQuest, PubMed, SCOLOAR, SIIC databases, and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.

Michel Sidibé

Mr Sidibé’s passion for advancing global health began in his native Mali, where he took up the cause of the nomadic Tuareg people.

Onora O'Neill, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve

She is on the Advisory Board of Incentives for Global Health, the NGO formed to develop the Health Impact Fund proposal.

Pacific Health Summit

Building on Bill Gates Sr.'s strong personal support, in 2007 Tachi Yamada, then President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, took on a decisive leadership role and formally established the Foundation as the Summit's third co-presenting organization.

Polly Swann

As of 2013 she is studying in her spare time for a degree in global health policy at the University of London.

Rajeev Venkayya

He reported to the President of Global Health, Dr. Tachi Yamada.

Rick Warren

Warren has been invited to speak at national and international forums, including the United Nations, the World Economic Forum in Davos, the African Union, the Council on Foreign Relations, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, TED, and Time’s Global Health Summit.

Two Degrees Food

Two Degrees Food’s board of advisors includes physicians Steve Collins and Judith Palfrey, the Boston Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Utkan Demirci

His research interests involve biological applications of Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) and acoustics, especially: microfluidics for low cost CD4 counts for HIV in resource-limited-settings for global health problems; acoustic picoliter droplets for cell-by-cell 3D tissue generation, and semiconductor applications; capacitive micromachined ultrasonic arrays (CMUTS) for medical imaging applications.

Victorian Health Promotion Foundation

Her predecessors were Todd Harper, now CEO of the Cancer Council Victoria; Rob Moodie, Professor of Global Health at the Nossal Institute of Global Health; University of Melbourne, and Rhonda Galbally, currently CEO of Australian community sector resource directory Our Community.

WHO global action plan

Additionally, the plan suggests that global health threats, such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and avian influenza, can also be prevented and controlled at the workplace.