The Goethe Link Observatory is a mile or two west of town on Observatory Road.
Nearly 7000 photographic plates for asteroid orbit studies were taken with a 10-inch astrographic camera at the Goethe Link Observatory.
He also negotiated the donation of the privately owned Goethe Link Observatory near Brooklyn, Indiana to Indiana University.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Goethe | Royal Observatory, Greenwich | Goethe University Frankfurt | observatory | Royal Observatory | Paris Observatory | Link Wray | Palomar Observatory | Goethe's Faust | Yerkes Observatory | Arecibo Observatory | Siding Spring Observatory | Mount Wilson Observatory | Goethe-Institut | Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory | Observatory | Harvard College Observatory | Ondřejov Observatory | Lowell Observatory | Kew Observatory | Roque de los Muchachos Observatory | Pulkovo Observatory | McDonald Observatory | Jodrell Bank Observatory | Hopf link | Chandra X-ray Observatory | Solar Dynamics Observatory | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | Link Byfield |