
7 unusual facts about Good Will Hunting

Culture of New England

While at one point Boston accents were most strongly associated with the so-called "Eastern Establishment" and Boston's upper class, today the accent is predominantly associated with blue-collar natives as exemplified by movies like Good Will Hunting and The Departed.

George Dantzig

Over time Dantzig's name was removed and facts were altered, but the basic story persisted in the form of an urban legend, and as an introductory scene in the movie Good Will Hunting.

Gordon S. Wood

In one of the celebrated scenes of the 1997 movie Good Will Hunting, Matt Damon's title character gets into an argument with a student from Harvard University, whom he accuses of uncritically parroting the views of the authors on his reading list as a first-year graduate student.

Kjærlighetens kjøtere

Kjærlighetens kjøtere (Zero Kelvin) is a 1995 Norwegian film starring Stellan Skarsgård, an actor known to English-speaking audiences from his roles in such films as Good Will Hunting.

Location Managers Guild of America

The student photographs were judged by a jury that included respected Hollywood luminaries Shane Black (writer, Lethal Weapon), Alice West (co-executive producer, Ugly Betty), and Missy Stewart (production designer, Good Will Hunting).

Matt Eckerl

His favorite food is anything homemade and his favorite movie is Good Will Hunting.

Miss Misery

Featured in the closing credits and the soundtrack of the 1997 film Good Will Hunting, the song was nominated for Best Original Song in the 1998 Academy Awards.

John Mighton

Mighton also advised Gus Van Sant, Matt Damon, and Ben Affleck on the script for Good Will Hunting; and as an actor in the film, his one major line is a reference to his main idea in The Myth of Ability: that most people never get a chance because a teacher doesn't take the time to show them how to learn.

see also

Gordon S. Wood

In the episode, "The Gang Reignites the Rivalry," of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Charlie Kelly, trying to emulate Good Will Hunting, accuses a group of students of regurgitating Gordon Wood.